Objections to Christianity

There are many common objections that people have regarding Christianity. These objections are often used to reject the Christian faith in full or in part. I will list just a few of them here along with my opinions. 1. Christians are hypocrites and do not live out what they believe. True. Most, if not all, Christians are hypocrites some, or all, of the time. But then so are non-Christians. No one it seems is able to live their lives as they would like to live them. We all fall short of our ideals. Being a hypocrite has nothing to do with what someone believes. It has everything to do with character. I would assume that most Christians do want to live out their faith. I know that I do. But I also know that I struggle to live my life as I would like. But the truth of God's existence is not dependent on my behavior. God either exists, or He does not exist, regardless of how I, or anybody else, behaves. 2. Christians just as unhappy as non-Christians. True. There seems to be as many unhappy Christians as there are unhappy non-Christians. Most people appear to be dissatisfied with their lives. But if that is the case then the question becomes: Why would anyone want to spend their lives feeling guilty for what they have done? Why not enjoy life and then when you die you die? There was a popular song in the 1970's by Billy Joel. One of the lyrics stated that "I would rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints". It was a good song and I still like it to this day. Unfortunately it was based upon poor logic.

Sinners and saints all cry. There is no one who laughs their way through life. Christians and non-Christians alike struggle with the affairs of this world. People do not get divorced, abuse alcohol or food or drugs because they are satisfied with their lives. Most of us continually strive to get more "stuff" because we are not content with what we have. Christians are called to a higher standard and should know better but often this is not the case. But if the Bible is true after all then what really counts is what happens next - when we die.

Scientific evidence indicates that there was a force involved in the creation of the physical universe. Circumstantial evidence indicates that this creator is the God of the Bible. Circumstantial, eye-witness and prophetic evidence shows that the Bible is God's word. The Bible states that we will live forever - either in Heaven or in Hell. If this statement is true then our lives here on earth are relatively short.

To demonstrate this brevity try to remember what happened in your life exactly one year ago today. Was it a good day or bad day? Did you laugh or did you cry? If you are anything like me you cannot even remember that day at all. And yet at the time that day was the most important day of my life. But now I cannot even remember what I did that day not to mention whether it was good or bad. But if the Bible is true then we are going to live forever, either in Heaven or Hell. This means that this life is only a shadow of reality. Like everyone else I have my share of bad days. But when I do I know that I would rather cry with the saints in Heaven than cry with the sinners in Hell.

3. Christianity is accepted by faith and it has no evidence to support it.

False. The existence of an unidentified force involved in the creation of the physical universe has strong scientific evidence. The fact that life has always existed has strong scientific evidence. The fact that the God of the Bible was the creative force is supported by strong circumstantial evidence. The Bible has a tremendous amount of circumstantial, eye-witness and prophetic evidence showing it to be the very words of God.

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