Non-scientific Evidence

We have already seen that much of what is called "scientific evidence" is actually circumstantial evidence instead. There is nothing wrong with circumstantial evidence. It is actually quite useful. And in the following sections I will discuss circumstantial evidence in more detail. In addition, there are two more types of evidences that are available to us. One is eye-witness testimony. The evidence provided by an eye-witness in court can be the deciding factor in whether the defendant is found guilty or innocent. The second one is prophecy. Now prophecy will be derided by anyone who does not believe in the super-natural. But as we have already learned - truth is not defined by belief.


Facts of What Makes a Religion

Religion is defined by Webster's as "the belief in a god or a group of gods". There are many religions in the world today. Millions of people profess to believe in God or some type of supernatural power. Some religions claim to have one god while others have many. Some of the more prominent religions are Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism. Throughout the history the worship of a god or gods has been a dominant force in human existence.

My Observations on Religion

I do not believe that there is scientific evidence to support any religion. Most of the evidence for, or against, any particular religion will be circumstantial in nature. In some situations eye-witness testimony also plays a part. There is also evidence that is supernatural in nature.

Most people, whether they are religious or not, have little or no evidence to support what they believe. Most people believe, sometimes very fervently, only because that is what their family, friends, educators, or neighbors believe. I think that very few people could actually provide any evidence at all for what they believe. This is not to say that religious people are not sincere in their faith. On the contrary, many religious people will kill, or be killed, in defense of their faith. But this paper is not about faith. It is about the evidence to support that faith. It is about knowing what you believe and why you believe it.

Of all the worlds religions only Judaism and Christianity present evidence to support their claims. This does not mean that the majority of Jews and Christians are knowledgeable regarding that evidence. I believe that most religious people, like all others, have little or no evidence to support their beliefs. In the following paragraphs I will do my best to outline the evidence for the Christian faith. I choose Christianity because it incorporates all of the evidence for Judaism and then some. Much of the evidence for the Christian faith is contained in one book: the Bible.

The Bible